Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park

Author: Gina Costa

The Snite Museum of Art will reopen the Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park in fall 2017.


Designed by noted American landscape architect Michael Van Valkenburgh, this eight-acre site will feature twelve sculptures by important national and international artists.


The title of the inaugural sculpture exhibition is Reclaiming Our Nature.  This references the fact that the site was previously a landfill and the current water element, prairie grass, and indigenous shrubs and trees suggest what this parcel of land might have looked like before the University of Notre Dame was founded 175 years ago.  Because we are Notre Dame, the title also refers to humankinds’s universal striving to reclaim its spiritual nature.  Sculptures were selected to reflect these themes


The University of Notre Dame is creating a fine arts district at this southern entrance to campus.  The DeBartolo Performing Arts Center and Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park are in place and in close proximity.  Presently under construction is the adjacent Walsh Family Hall School of Architecture.  Notre Dame’s current capital campaign calls for a new art museum building to be constructed within the Sculpture Park.  Longer term, there will also be a new building for the Department of Art, Art History, and Design. 


A community reception will take place within the Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park August 25, 2017 from 6-8 PM.


The Sculpture Park may be accessed 24-hours a day, 12-months per year.  Pathways and sculptures are lighted.  The Sculpture Park is four or five blocks from the Snite Museum of Art, accessible by sidewalk. The Sculpture Park creates a public space for contemplating nature and art. Groups enjoy walks, conversing with friends, brown-bag lunches, as well as impromptu class sessions, poetry readings, and musical concerts.


The University of Notre Dame is grateful to Charles S. Hayes for his generous gift that makes possible this unique public space for reflection, contemplation, and enjoyment of nature and art.


Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park