40 years of the Friends

Celebrating Forty Years of Friendship and Art
1979 – 2019

"As museum advocates, the Friends enrich our community through active outreach, lifelong learning, and meaningful encounters in appreciation of the visual arts." —Mission Statement, Friends of the Raclin Murphy Museum of Art

The year 2019 marked the fortieth anniversary of the Friends. As the Museum’s signature community support organization, the Friends have been vital contributors to the growth and appreciation of the Museum’s collections and exhibitions.

It would be impossible to imagine the history of the Museum without the Friends. For many years, members offered support through the purchase of works of art, acquiring more than forty objects from a variety of cultures. To celebrate its fortieth year, the Friends noted the works they funded that are on permanent display with a special label. Additionally, works on paper were rotated on a temporary wall of honor on the first floor of the Museum.

Recently, Friends members have chosen to support the museum through contributions to the Museum’s Education Department and through community outreach events. In doing so, they ensure that the collections and exhibitions are brought to life for thousands of visitors from across the region. Whether an elementary school group tour, high school program, community group, or University of Notre Dame class, all are benefiting from the Friends’ commitment to the Museum and its programming.

Membership to the Friends is open to everyone and offers exclusive previews and programs, as well as reciprocal membership to art museums across the country. Additional information is available at the Welcome Desk in the Museum’s atrium.

Happy Anniversary, Friends—the Museum and our community thank you.