Nanovic Institute Lecture Series: 1914-World War I-2014


Location: Annenberg Auditorium

The Flare Illuminates the Farm at MonacuOtto Dix (German, 1891-1969), The Flare Illuminates the Farm at Monacu, from The War Series, 1924, etching, 5.83 x 7.8 inches (plate). Acquired with funds provided by the Walter R. Beardsley Endowment for 20th Century Art, 2002.027

On the centennial anniversary of the beginning of World War I, the Nanovic Institute for European Studies presents a series of lectures by historians focused on new data and interpretations. What has been mistaken or overlooked in standard histories? What new data sheds light on the war’s causes? Did old empires disappear entirely? What were the long-term effects of the war on the environment? Join us for fresh looks at the catastrophe that in many ways defined modern Europe.

September Speaker
Dan Lindley
Associate Professor, Political Science
University of Notre Dame

The Causes, Conduct, and Consequences of WWI