Artist Talk by Printmaker Sandra Fernandez


Location: Annenberg Auditorium, Snite Museum of Art

Artist Sandra Fernandez

All are invited to a free public presentation about her body of work by artist Sandra Fernández, assistant professor, printmaking, University of Texas at Austin.

Fernández is the 2014 Day of the Dead guest artist, and her ofrenda (memorial altar) in the Crossroads Gallery, inside the Notre Dame Center for Arts & Culture on Washington Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, is on view through December 5, 2014. The title of her Day of the Dead installation is Remembering the Undocumented Across the Rio Grande.

For more information about her Day of the Dead ofrenda/art instillation, or the ND Center for Arts & Culture, go to

Sandra C. Fernández was born in Queens, New York but grew up in Quito, Ecuador. She received her MA (1992) and MFA (1995) from the University of Wisconsin at Madison

Her photographs, prints, artist’s books and assemblages have been widely exhibited and collected in numerous cities in the US and abroad. Fernandez’s works are represented in collections such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum, The San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA), Mexic-Arte Museum, The Museo de la Casa de la Cultura in Quito, Ecuador, The Art Museum of South Texas, The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American collection, the Biblioteque Nationale in Paris, the Kohler Art Library and the Gilberto Cardenas collection of Latino Art.

Most recently a book-catalogue “La memoria del mestizaje/ The memory of mestizaje” (1990-2012) of her artwork was published by the Museum of La Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.

Sandra C. Fernandez is the Director of the Guest Artists in Printmaking Program (GAPP).