Family Days@ the Snite:
Home Sweet Home


Location: Entire Museum

Gabriele Münter (German, 1877–1962), The Red Cloud, 1911, oil on canvas. Bequest of Edith and Dr. Paul J. Vignos Jr. '41, 2011.024.006Gabriele Münter (German, 1877–1962), The Red Cloud, 1911, oil on canvas. Bequest of Edith and Dr. Paul J. Vignos Jr. '41, 2011.024.006. © Gabriele Münter Estate.

Celebrate Father's Day with us this year!

Make yourself at home at the Snite Museum! Discover how and where people lived hundreds of years ago, what they used at home, and maybe even do a little redecorating of your own!

Every Family Day includes gallery activities, art making, refreshments, and much, much more!  Family Days are great ways for families to connect, get creative, and are always free and open to all.  Free Snite Museum shuttle from parking lot to Museum--look for the signs.