"Transcendence": Candlelight Meditation in the Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park


Location: Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park

Sculpture Park Rickey

The Charles B. Hayes Family Sculpture Park reopens this fall with the exhibition theme of "Reclaiming Our Nature," and this series of mindfulness meditation programs will draw on the physical nature of the space and our human nature to practice being present through awakening our senses. Meditation teacher and research professor Deirdre Guthrie will lead all three thematic sessions exploring our own inner landscapes of well-being as we engage with sacred symbols of art, nature, and our own deeply interwoven selves.

Meet at the northwest entrance (east of the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center and south of the construction for the Walsh Family Architecture Building) to the Sculpture Park. The Sculpture Park itself is located near Eddy Commons at the northeast corner of Edison/Angela and Eddy Street. This program is free and open to all. 

Attend all three sessions:
"Transcendence," Wednesday, September 13th at 8:00 p.m.
"Cycles of Life," Thursday, September 28th at 5:00 p.m.
"The Elements," Saturday, October 7th at 10:00 a.m.

Hayes Family Sculpture Park Map