Hot Spots in Cleveland

Location: Cleveland Museum of Art (View on map )

Friends of Snite Museum will be going on an overnight Trip on February 27 & 28, 2019 to Cleveland,
Ohio. DEADLINE TO RESERVE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO FRIDAY, FEB. 15. Call the office to be sure of availability, 574-631-5516. Stops include:

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- The Cleveland Museum of Art where we will check out the “Georgia O'Keeffe: Living Modern” exhibition. Link:'keeffe-living-modern

- The Cleveland History Center to see the Center’s newest exhibit, “Cleveland Starts Here”. Link:

- The Cleveland Natural History to see the exhibit “Built to survive: biomechanics”. Link:

We will be staying at Glidden House, Cleveland’s Historic Boutique Hotel and having dinner in Cleveland's Little Italy Neighborhood. This is one trip you don’t want to miss!

Registration Form (Download PDF) or Purchase by credit card


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