Stations of the Cross


Location: Snite Museum of Art

1992 073 007 V0001
George Tooker (American, 1920–2011), 6th Station, Preparatory Drawing for “The Stations of the Cross,” 1984 Graphite on tracing paper. Gift of the artist, 1992.073.007.

Join in this Lenten opportunity by using works of art to pray the Stations of the Cross. This guided devotion will use the Snite Museum's collection of George Tooker's preparatory drawings for a Stations series he painted in 1984 for St. Francis of Assisi Church in Windsor, Vermont. These drawings will be dispersed throughout the galleries, allowing visitors to make a guided pilgrimage around the Museum. After an introduction by Fr. Kevin Grove, C.S.C., each station will be accompanied by a scriptural passage and a reflection by individuals from our campus community, including:

Tony Blasucci, RecSports
Cate Cappelman ’22
Francesca Casarella ’23
Ken Hallenius, de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture
Sharon Hawkins, Human Resources
Sarah Hui ’24
Julia Lincicum MDiv ’23
Jennifer Newsome Martin, Program of Liberal Studies & Department of Theology
Amaya Medeiros ’22
Tom Mustillo, Keough School for Global Affairs
Tom Purekal, Pulte Institute for Global Development
Logan Schott ’22
Suzanne Shanahan, Center for Social Concerns
Marilyn Zizumbo ’22

All are welcome. This opportunity is co-sponsored by Campus Ministry.